
Evaluation of the action of glucomannan

Clin Ter 1995 Apr;146(4):269-74

Evaluation of the action of glucomannan on metabolic parameters and on the sensation of satiation in overweight and obese patients

[Article in Italian]

Cairella M, Marchini G.

Servizio Speciale di Dietologia, Policlinico Umberto I, Universita La Sapienza Roma.

The authors studied the behavior of body weight, blood glucose, total serum cholesterol, and hunger and satiety sensation in 30 patients treated for 60 days with a 1.200 kcal (5040 kj) diet plus either placebo or glucomannane. All the variables considered show that the low-calorie diet plus glucomannane is more effective than the low-calorie diet alone.

Publication Types:
Clinical Trial
Randomized Controlled Trial